In the last post I was writing about my first day in Australia. Today I am writing about Hamilton Island, situated at the north of Sydney.
We spent four days in this little paradise. Our activities on this island were seaside related for the most – we mainly enjoyed the beach and pools, we also went snorkeling and rented a boat to go to a desert island. We wanted to see the view from a hight spot on the island, so we did a quick, yet tiring walk to go up there. We were able to admire the landscape, it was beautiful!
Otherwise, the nature on this island is splendid. There are palm trees everywhere, the water of the ocean is clear and there’s wiled colored birds, cockatoos and lorikeet, everywhere. These birds are beautiful and were not afraid to come very close to us. Let’s be honest, it is only because we had food with us haha!
We also saw beautiful fishes while snorkeling and even a turtle. You can see this in the video below. Oh and we got to see a jumping ray when on the boat too! Impressive, right?!
The most impressive thing though, was to see some box and irukandji jellyfishes – these jellyfishes are the smallest, yet they are lethal if they sting you. No worries, we did not risk our lives. Australians are totally aware of this danger and consequently, we all had a stinger suit on to protect us from being stung during the snorkeling session.
Our stay at Hamilton Island was relaxing and had something romantic, thanks to the island’s atmosphere. It’s a little piece of paradise where I would definitely love to stay again!
Love, Pauline